

The school took an eighteenth century building that had been a farmhouse residence of Count Güell, and is part of the work that Antoni Gaudí designed.


On May 22, 1929, during the events of "La Exposición Internacional de Barcelona", Jaume de Borba and the general Primo de Rivera opened "la escuela Primo de Rivera". A Nevertheless, there is no evidence of the existence of documentation confirming their operation.


Two years later, on March 29, 1931 the Patronato Escolar del Ayuntamiento de Barcelona opened public schools in eleven a joint event that took place in the school group and Milan Fontanals.


Among these Rename "fine schools" had the school group Baldiri Reixac, name of the educator was born the year from amporda 1703 and one of the first broadcasters in Catalonia new Educational systems.


Manuel Ainaud was the technical adviser of the Committee on Culture Barcelona City Council l and it was the person who suggested the creation of a School Board to get together in their groups School is a selection of excellent teachers, enrich the education with innovative educational activities, the school public reached a high level and prestige, and in the classroom assist students from all social classes.


When you reach the dictatorship of General Franco, the school changed name "General Primo de Rivera" and was replaced by active learning pedagogy own system of nacional-unionist ideology.


When you reach the dictatorship of General Franco, the school changed name "General Primo de Rivera" and was replaced by active learning pedagogy own system of nacional-unionist ideology.



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